Publié dans
Publications de l'IPRA


Landry, J.-M., G. Millisher, Borelli J.-L. and L. Lyon. 2014. The CanOvis project : studying internal and external factors that may influence livestock guarding dogs’ efficiency against wolf predation. Preliminary results and discussion. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 10 : 21 – 30.

Landry, J.-M. 2013. Historique du loup en France. Courrier de la Nature 278 : 13-19.

VerCauteren, K., Lavelle, M., Gehring, T. M., Landry, J.-M., & Marker, L. 2013. Dogs as mediators of conservation conflicts pages 211 – 238 in Gompper, M. E. (Ed.). (2013). Free-ranging dogs and wildlife conservation. Oxford University Press.

VerCauteren, K. C., M. T. Gehring, M. J. Lavelle and J.-M. Landry. 2012. Cow Dogs: The Use of Livestock Protection Dogs for Reducing Predation and Transmission of Diseases from Wildlife to Cattle. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 140 : 128 – 136.

Landry, J.-M., and P. Valensi. 2011. Un regard croisé entre l’éthologie, la biologie moléculaire et l’archéozoologie pour expliquer les conditions nécessaires à la domestication du loup en chien. Pages 113 – 125 in Prédateur dans tous leurs états. Evolution, biodiversité, interaction, mythe, symbole. XXXIe rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes. J.-P. Brugal, A. Gardeisen, & A. Zucker editors. APDCA editions, Antibes, France.

Landry, J.-M. 2011. An approach test to determine if individual livestock guarding dogs could be a danger to Humans. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 6 (1): 61 (Abstract only).

Landry, J.-M. 2010. Chien de protection et randonneurs. Quoi de Neuf 23: 17-18 (

VerCauteren, K.C., T.M., Gehring, and J.-M. Landry. 2010. The dynamic role of livestock protection dogs in a changing world. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 6 (1): 55 (Abstract only).

Gehring, M. T., K. C. VerCauteren and J.-M. Landry. 2010. Livestock Protection Dogs in the 21st Century: Is an Ancient Tool Relevant to Modern Conservation Challenges? BioScience 60: 299-308.

Landry, J.-M. 2009. Mécanismes éthologiques de la domestication du loup. Recherches Valenciennoises 29 : 151-163.

Landry, J.-M. 2005. Un retour du loup dans un contexte agricole en pleine mutation. La Gazette des grands prédateurs 14 : 5-7.

Landry, J.-M., A Burri, D.Torriani and C. Angst. 2005. Livestock guarding dogs: a new experience for Switzerland. CDPNews 8: 40-48.

Landry, J.-M., A Burri, D.Torriani and C. Angst. 2005. Livestock guarding dogs: a new experience for Switzerland. WolfPrint 22: 11-15 (reprint of the CDPNews article).

Breitenmoser, U. C. Angst, J.-M. Landry, C. Breitenmoser-Würsten, J. Linell and J.-M. Weber. 2005. Non-Lethal techniques for reducing depredation. Pages 49-71 in R. Woodroffe, S.Thirgood & A. Rabinowitz editors. People and Wildlife. Conflict or Coexistence? Conservation Biology 9, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK.

Landry, J.-M. 2003. Le chacal doré. Pages 20-23 in La Voie du Loup n° 15. France Nature Environnement, Paris, France.

Landry, J.-M. 2001. The guard dog: protecting livestock and large carnivores. Pages 209 –112. in R. Field, R. J. Warren, H. Okarma, and P.R. Sievert, editors. Wildlife, land, and people: priorities for the 21st century. Proceedings of the second International Wildlife Management Congress. The wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

Breitenmoser-Würsten, C., K. Robin, J.-M. Landry, S. Gloor, P. Olsson and U. Breitenmoser. 2001. Die Geschichte von Fuchs, Luchs, Bartgeier, Wolf und Braunbär in der Schweiz – ein kurzer Überblick. Forest, Snow Landscape Research 76, 1/2:9-21

Landry, J.-M. 2000. Testing livestock Guard donkeys in the Swiss Alps. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 1: 6-7

Landry, J.-M. 2000. Wolves of the World: Switzerland. Wolf Print 8: 5-6.

Landry, J.-M. 1998. Der Einsatz von Bernardinerhunden als Schutz für Viehherden. In Schweizeriches Wildtierbiologisches Informationsblatt 3. Infodienst Wildbiologie & Oekologie, Zürich.

Landry, J.-M. 1997. Distribution potentielle du loup Canis lupus dans trois cantons alpins suisses: premières analyses. Bulletin de la société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles 120(2): 105-116.

Landry, J.-M. 1996. Wolf-like canid caused troubles. European Wolf Newsletter No 4.

Landry, J.-M., and D. Roth. 1998. The wolf returns to Switzerland. Pages 2-4 in Wolf! Magazine. Vol. XV No.4.

Publié dans
Publications de l'IPRA

Livres, dossiers pédagogiques

Landry, J.-M. 2001 – 2011. Le loup. Editions Delachaux et Niestlé. Neuchâtel et Paris. 208 p.

Landry, J.-M. 2004. « El Lobo », Las sendas del Naturalista. Ediciones OMEGA, Barcelona.

Landry, J.-M. 2001. Pourquoi craindre le loup? Editions de L’Hèbe. Grolley, Suisse. 87 p.

Landry, J.-M. 2000. Le loup et toi : dossier pédagogique. CIP édition, Tramelan, Suisse (2nd edition).

Landry, J.-M. 1999. Der Wolf. Pädagogisches Dossier. CIP édition, Tramelan, Schweiz, 41 p.

Landry, J.-M. 1999. Der Wolf/ Le loup. CD-Rom. Finajour, Therwil, Switzerland.

Landry, J.-M. 1997. Le loup et toi : dossier pédagogique. CIP édition. Tramelan, Suisse. 35 p

Publié dans
Publications de l'IPRA

Présentations orales à des colloques

Landry, J.-M. 2014. Apprendre au loup à éviter les troupeaux : Mythe ou réalité ? Symposium. Vivre avec le loup ? Hier, aujourd’hui ….et demain. Etat des lieux et perspectives européennes. 9 – 12 octobre. Saint-Martin Vésubie, France.

Landry, J.-M. 2014. Le loup face aux moyens de protection. 37e colloque de mammalogie et 11e rencontre Bourgone-Nature. Socité Française pour l’Etude et la Protection des Mammifères et Bourgone Nature Environnement. 17 – 19 octobre. Saint-Brisson, France.

Landry, J.-M. and C. Fugazza. 2013. A new way of protecting livestock against wolves’ attacks. The Daphnis project. Wolf conservation in a dominated human landscape. 25 – 27 septembre 2013. Postojna, Slovenia.

Landry, J.-M. 2013. The return of the wolf to a human landscape. How to deal with it ? 9 may. Symposium on animal behaviour. Veterinary Faculty,Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.Wroclaw, Poland

Landry, J.-M., G. Millischer & A. Riborio. 2013. Interactions entre loups et chiens de protection des troupeaux. Résultats préliminaires. Colloque FRAPNA. La Prédation. Connaître pour vivre ensemble. Lyon, France.

Landry, J.-M., G. Millischer & A. Riborio. 2012. Interactions between wolves and livestock guarding dogs on a French alpine pasture. 3nd Canine Science Forum. On dogs and related canids – From Genes through behaviour to society. 25-27 July 2012. Barcelona, Spain.

Landry, J.-M. 2011. The livestock guarding dogs: or the challenge of employing a preventive tool originated from traditional societies in a modern society. 1st international symposium of veterinarian ethology. 9–11 September 2011. National veterinarian school, Maison Alfort, France (invited speaker).

Berry, M., Landry, J.-M., D. Stewart and R. Coppinger. 2011. Improving the success of breeding programs for livestock guardian dogs, with reference to South Africa. International Working Dog Breeding Association (IWDBA).

Landry, J.-M. 2010. An approach test to determine if individual livestock guarding dogs could be a danger to Humans. 2nd Canine Science Forum. On dogs and related canids – from genes through behavior to society. 25-28 July 2010. University of Vienna, Austria.

Landry, J.-M. 2003. Wolf’s depredation in the Swiss Alps. Workshop on wolf and human coexistence. World Wolf Congress 2003. Bridging Science and Community. 25-28 September 2003. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Landry, J.-M. 2000. Consequence of the wolf recovery in the Swiss Alps.

Beyond 2000. Realities of Global Wolf Restoration. 23-26 February 2000. Duluth, Minnesota, USA.

Landry, J.-M. 2000. The use of livestock guarding dogs in the Swiss Alps. 19th Vertebrate Pest Conference. 6-9 March 2000. San Diego, California, USA.

Landry, J.-M. 1999. Protect large carnivores by protecting livestock. Second International Wildlife Management Congress. Wildlife, Land, and People: Priorities for the 21st Century. 28 June – 2 July. Gödöllö, Hungary.

Publié dans
Publications de l'IPRA

Présentation de posters

Landry, J.-M. and C. Fugazza. 2012. The Daphnis project : new tools for livestock protection against wolves prédation. 1st IRSEA international congress. Behavioural Medecin and Semiochemistry : from welfare to therapeutics. 15-17 November 2012. Abbaye Saint-Eusèbe, Saignon France.

Landry, J.-M., G. Millischer & A. Riborio. 2012. Interactions between wolves and livestock guarding dogs. Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal. 9 – 11 mai 2012. Saint-Etienne, France.

Fraissard, C. and J.-M. Landry 2011: Evaluation of guarding dogs spatial behaviour in relation to their flocks using GPS collars. 1st international symposium of veterinarian ethology. 9 – 11 September 2011. National veterinarian school, Maison Alfort, France.

Gete, M. and J.-M. Landry 2011: Livestock guarding dogs communication strategies and behaviors in front of wolves. 1st international symposium of veterinarian ethology. 9 – 11 September 2011. National veterinarian school, Maison Alfort, France.

Oppliger, A. and J.-M. Landry 2011 : Puppy Temperament Test for Livestock Guarding Dogs. 1st international symposium of veterinarian ethology. 9 – 11 September 2011. National veterinarian school, Maison Alfort, France.

VerCauteren, K., T.M., Gehring, and, J.-M. Landry 2010. The dynamic role of livestock protection dogs in a changing world. 2nd Canine Science Forum. On dogs and related canids – from genes through behavior to society. 25-28 July 2010. University of Vienna, Austria.

Landry, J.-M. 2003. The wolf return to the Swiss Alps: a difficult compromise. World Wolf Congress 2003. Bridging Science and Community. 25-28 September 2003. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Landry, J.-M. 2003. A social approach to increase the success of livestock guarding dog integration. World Wolf Congress 2003. Bridging Science and Community. 25-28 September 2003. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Landry, J.-M. 1996. Habitat potential du loup. Première analyse. XXe colloque francophone de mammalogie. 5-7 october 1996. Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

Vignon, V. and J.-M. Landry. 1996. Trailmaster. Essais d’un nouveau système de comptage et de prises de vues automatique pour étudier la faune sauvage. XXe colloque francophone de mammalogie. 5-7 octobre 1996. Neuchâtel, Switzerland.